The Top 10 Revenue-Generating Tactics for Your Shopify Site

19th September 2023

In the ever-evolving world of ecommerce, driving revenue is the ultimate goal for online businesses. To thrive in this competitive landscape, you need a well-thought-out ecommerce strategy that goes beyond just having a great product. Shopify has emerged as one of the leading ecommerce platforms, empowering entrepreneurs and businesses to build and scale their online stores, but it isn’t just as easy as creating a store; there is a hell of a lot of leg work that goes on in the background to ensure profitable ROI.

According to our Shopify website development experts, here are the top 10 revenue-generating tactics to help your ecommerce site succeed.

1. Optimise your website for mobile

With the majority of online shopping happening on mobile devices, having a mobile-friendly website is non-negotiable in 2023. Ensure that your site is responsive, loads quickly on mobile devices, and provides a seamless shopping experience for your consumers. Fast-loading websites are essential nowadays for retaining customers that shop on the go, so ensure your Shopify store is optimised for speed on mobile by compressing images, leveraging browser caching, and using content delivery networks (CDNs). This will help to get those search engine rankings even higher too for an added win.

2. Implement a user-friendly search functionality

Make it easy for customers to find what they're looking for. Implement a robust search feature with filters, autocomplete suggestions, and a user-friendly interface to enhance the shopping experience. Klevu offers the chance for you to go-live with Klevu on your Shopify store in a few clicks. It allows you to easily choose your search, collections, and product recommendations layouts, and start generating more revenue for your Shopify store. All you need to do is connect the Klevu AI-powered search & product discovery platform with your Shopify or Shopify Plus store with the Klevu Shopify app, or build your custom integration using their SDKs and APIs, and you will be on your way to game changing search functionality.

3. Personalise the shopping experience

Utilise data and customer behaviour to offer personalised product recommendations. Tailoring the shopping experience to individual preferences can significantly boost conversions and average order value.

Bonus Tip: Leverage content marketing. Quality content can attract and engage your target audience. Start a blog and talk about the subjects that matter most to your audience, create informative product descriptions using words that are truly personal to the consumer, and share valuable content on social media to build brand authority and drive organic traffic from the customers you really want.

4. Invest in high-quality product images and descriptions

First impressions matter! When visitors land on your ecommerce site, the first thing they notice is the product images. High-quality images create a positive first impression, convey professionalism, and instil trust in your brand. So get rid of those low-quality or pixelated images that are deterring potential customers.

Bonus Tip: Include multiple images, zoom features, and video demonstrations if possible.

5. Streamline the checkout process

A lengthy or complicated checkout process can lead to high cart abandonment rates. Simplify and optimise the checkout flow by offering guest checkout options, one-click payment, and clear progress indicators. Show customers who you are and what you stand for with Mollie Checkout. Mollie turns a simple, standard payment form into a professional, on-brand experience that inspires trust and drives conversions - All without having to write a single line of code!

6. Offer multiple payment options

Cater to diverse customer preferences by providing a variety of payment options at checkout too. Ensure that the payment process is secure and straightforward; offering flexibility with various payment methods, including credit cards, Pay L8r digital wallets, and alternative payment options like PayPal, ClearPay, Klarna and Apple Pay.

"According to a press release from QuadPay, merchants implementing its BNPL service increased their average checkout value by 60%. They also saw a 20% increase in conversions."

7. Try upselling and cross-selling

Leverage Shopify's built-in features to upsell and cross-sell products to your customers. You can display related products or offer complementary items during the checkout process to increase average order value. Potential customers often land on a product page that doesn’t perfectly match their preferences so by encouraging these people to still make a purchase using these sales tactics can increase sales.

8. Implement email marketing campaigns

Email remains a powerful tool for ecommerce, and we stand by it as a great source of ROI. Why? Because it really doesn’t cost you that much money. Create targeted email marketing campaigns with the likes of Klaviyo to engage with your audience, including abandoned cart recovery emails, product recommendations, and exclusive offers for subscribers. Using email marketing to reduce cart abandonment rates, by setting up automated email reminders and incentives for customers who leave items in their carts without completing the purchase, is a fantastic way to get those conversion rates back up!

9. Run promotions and discounts

Strategic discounts, flash sales, and limited-time offers can create a sense of urgency and drive immediate sales. Be sure to promote these events through various channels, including social media and email marketing for maximum reach. You could even try a giveaway to increase brand engagement and even website visits.

Bonus Tip: The trick to doing a giveaway well is to only offer products that are covered by your audience – and make it valuable enough for them to want to enter the competition for it.

10. Invest in search engine optimisation (SEO)

Through the right ecommerce SEO strategy, you can improve your Shopify site’s visibility in search engine results to attract organic traffic. Optimise product pages, high-quality content creation, and build backlinks to increase your site's authority and ranking. By using relevant keywords, optimising your meta tags, interlinking your site, and most importantly regularly updating your content you have a much better chance of getting to that first page on Google.

Bonus Tip: Leverage social media advertising. Social media platforms offer highly targeted advertising options. The right ecommerce social media campaigns can reach potential customers based on their interests, demographics, and online behaviour.

"At least 43% of all e-commerce traffic comes from Google’s organic search."

Statista, 2023

The success of your Shopify website is about so much more than just having a great product; it's about creating a seamless shopping experience, building trust, and continually optimising your strategies – it never ends.

By implementing these revenue-generating tactics, you can drive growth and profitability for your Shopify store. Make sure you remain adaptable and stay ahead of industry trends to ensure your ecommerce site remains competitive and prosperous.

To learn more about optimising your Shopify site, or replatforming to Shopify with Unified, get in touch. We are always more than happy to have a chat!

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